About us


I’m delighted by your interest in College Hill Moravian Church.

I hope you find no barriers to feeling included in the life of our congregation. We are inspired and motivated by the limitless love of Jesus Christ and we hope your encounters with us reflect that. We seek to be a caring, vibrant, and relevant bunch, always growing in our discipleship.

We’d be pleased for you to join us!

Pastor Chris Johnson

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Our Story

College Hill Moravian Church started out as a community Sunday School. Known initially as the Laurel Street Chapel, College Hill began its service to the northern constituency of Central Moravian Church in 1887 when its first structure was erected on Laurel Street between Main and New Streets.

Our News

The Moravian Story

Unitas Fratrum is the official name of the Moravian Church.  The Worldwide Moravian Church consists of Unity Provinces, Mission Provinces, Mission Areas and certain areas of work which are the responsibility of the Moravian Unity as a whole.

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2025 Congregational Watchword

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.”

John 3:17 (NKJV)

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Music has always been seen as a necessity of life, not as a luxury. Moravians have always used their music to express their faith, to communicate their faith, and to enjoy each other’s company, and continue to do so today. The musical heritage of the Moravians is a living tradition that is still evolving.

Our Leadership Team

Pastor Chris

The Rev. Christine Sobania Johnson has served as an ordained minister in the Moravian Church since 1988 and as the pastor of College Hill since December 2019. Pastor Chris previously served congregations in Wisconsin (her homeland), Ohio, and Pennsylvania. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (B.A. in English with a minor in music) and Moravian Theological Seminary (M.Div.), it's no surprise that she enjoys offering fresh expressions of faith through the creative arts. Chris is married to The Rev. Darrell Johnson, also an ordained minister serving the Palmyra Moravian Church in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. Their adult sons Andrew (married to Ashley) and Dan live in Ohio and Minnesota, respectively.

Gwyneth "Gwyn" Michel, Director of Music, has been the organist and choir director at College Hill since 2008. Gwyn served as assistant director  at the Moravian Music Foundation, Bethlehem office, for 15 years from 2007 until retiring in August 2022. She is a graduate of Moravian College (bachelor’s degree: Music Education) and Westminster Choir College (master’s degree: Church Music). A veteran of 30 years in the music industry, she was in charge of the church music divisions of Shawnee Press, Belwin Mills, and Warner Bros. Publications. Her responsibilities at Warner Bros. included the retention and expansion of the esteemed H.W. Gray catalog, home to some of the earliest and most beloved Moravian Music editions.

Administrative Staff


Office Coordinator, Kelly Schmidt

Treasurer, Susy Rundle

Custodian, Rodney Rothrock

Leadership Boards

The Board of Elders is responsible for the spiritual life and outreach of the Congregation.

Pastor Christine Johnson, (Chair, Ex-officio)

Judy Becker (Secretary)

Nancy Beitel-Vessels

David Danneberger

Amy DeLong

Terri Harney

Nancy Penrose

Kristel Seagreaves

Linda Toggart (Vice-Chair)

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the care and maintenance of the physical assets of the Congregation and handles most of the financial affairs of the Congregation.

Alan Bosch (Vice-President)

Cory Dieterly (Secretary)

Ray Duh

Rich Harney

Bobbi James (President)

Ron Penrose (Property Chair)

David Prosperi

Susy Rundle (Treasurer)

Jim Seagreaves

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