Lent & Easter

Candle Trimming

The charming and enduring tradition of handing out special candles during Christmas Eve worship comes with the need for advanced preparation. Once a year, a team comes together to decorate a hearty supply of hand-poured candles with red paper ruffles, and line them up on trays to be at-the-ready when they’ll be featured in a light-filled finale on December 24th.

As unique to Moravian Christians as is the sweet-smelling beeswax from which each candle is poured, Candle Trimming provides a delightful opportunity for fellowship and service.

By the way, did you realize that the first-ever known Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service in the New World took place right here in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1756?! We’ve been sharing the Light of Christ’s Love for a long time!

Learn all about the fascinating history and poignant meaning of the Moravian Beeswax Candle.   Learn More

Advent Workshop

Usually held the first Sunday in Advent, this annual All-Congregation event is hosted by the Christian Education Committee and sets the stage for a season of joy and thoughtfulness. Kicked-off with a simple, kid-friendly Lovefeast in Fellowship Hall, everyone comes together to trim the kids’ Christmas tree, put together treat boxes and greeting cards for homebound friends, make a family Advent wreath or other take-home project, and enjoy one another’s company in a faith-centered start of the Christmas countdown. 

Birthday Party for Jesus

It’s Jesus’ birthday, so we’re throwing a party complete with pizza and tacos, Birthday Cake and punch, activities, games and prizes! We’ll sing “Happy Birthday” to the guest of honor and thoroughly enjoy ourselves! Planned especially for families with children—little ones and teens, too—this inaugural bash took place on December 18, 2022 from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Christmas Eve

Whether it’s an exuberant celebration accommodating the needs of children and families, or a peaceful time to be reflective, Christmas Eve worship at College Hill offers options for everyone to have a sacred moment to contemplate God’s incarnation in Jesus Christ. Join us for one or both holy moments on Saturday evening, December 24th.

Family Friendly Worship with Lovefeast & Candlelight

4:00 p.m.

Quieter Candlelight Worship with

Full Choir

7:00 p.m.

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