Take a Dip

Christine Johnson • June 5, 2021

Photo by  Matthias Cooper  from  Pexels

As the first heat wave of summer spreads over Bethlehem like a smothering Woolrich blanket, there’s an eagerness in knowing that the city’s public swimming pools will soon open for the season. This includes the newly renovated Memorial Pool on Illick’s Mill Road. When it debuts next week, Memorial Pool will no longer be just one big ol’ cement pond constructed in 1957, but rather an updated, contemporary, multi-pool complex. It sounds as though there will be something enjoyable for everyone: a beach-like entry pool with “water amusements,” another pool anchored by water slides, and a third pool featuring a diving board and lap lanes. Splish splash!

Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness,
    streams flow in the desert.
Hot sands will become a cool oasis,
    thirsty ground a splashing fountain.
Isaiah 35: 6b-7a (The Message) 

Spring. Stream. Oasis. Fountain. Do any of these refreshingly wet words appeal to your spiritual senses? Your response probably depends on how parched you might be, but even if you’re the slightest bit dehydrated in your soul, the idea of taking a dip in the water of life sounds rejuvenating. How do you do it? What is your preferred approach when you come to the edge of the reservoir of God’s replenishment?

Do you wade in gradually from zero depth, tentatively letting the water cover over your feet, your ankles, your shins? Do you adjust to the temperature with each step, not moving ahead until you’re comfortable at a particular level? Do you like to stay there where you are comfortable?

Are you playful about it? Do you find delight in the “water amusements?” Do you linger in the spray of the overhead sprinklers, letting liquid trickle over you? Do you giggle?

Maybe you’re enticed by colorful ladders and tubes and canopies. Maybe you like to climb up, then careen down the curvy slide, plunging into the drink. Maybe you like to gather yourself up and do it again, never getting enough of the wild ride.

Or perhaps you like to sit on the edge, feet dangling, readying yourself to slip in smoothly and begin oh-so-many steady laps. Perhaps you like the rhythmic predictability of the daily routine, and how the daily routine builds muscle and stamina for the long haul.

Then again, maybe you find yourself surprised, standing on the springboard, slightly terrified and yet eager to dive boldly and gracefully into the depths.

To play, to float, to dive, to stroke, to rest, to train, to replenish…for whatever reason you are drawn to the water of life, find yourself renewed in the overspray of God’s goodness.

Spashing Around,

Pastor Chris


Worship Opportunities at College Hill Moravian Church

June 6, 2021– 10:00 AM

Indoor Worship in the Sanctuary

For the first time in a VERY long time, worshipers who would like to come into the sanctuary may do so. Out of consideration for the whole community, for now, it is expected that all will wear masks, practice distancing, and refrain from singing and speaking liturgical responses. Please enter throught the Laurel Street/front door or the ramp/office door.

Parking Lot Worship

If you would prefer to worship from the “safe bubble” of your vehicle, the service will continue to be broadcast to the parking lot. When weather permits, we’ll have outdoor speakers set up in the church parking lot. If you bring along a lawn chair, you’ll be able to sit outside your vehicle and listen to the worship service.

Livestream  on YouTube by searching for College Hill Moravian Church

Virtual Activities

Virtual Fellowship Time on Zoom – Sundays at 11:30 a.m. (This will be the last meeting before taking a summer break.)

Everyone is welcome! Whether you’ve become a “regular” at these gatherings, or you’re thinking about dropping by for the very first time, please use the Zoom link below, or join by phone if you do not use a device with a screen.

To join by computer, tablet or smart phone, please go to

To join by phone (no video), dial:

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 998 3134 7702  

Zoom Prayers–Sundays at 6:30 p.m. (This will be the last meeting before taking a summer break.)

We offer Zoom Prayers on Sunday evenings at 6:30. We come together to share simply in intercessory prayer on behalf of our congregation, community, and world. We usually conclude by 7:00 p.m. All are welcome! 

To join by computer, tablet, or smart phone, please go to

To join by phone (no video), dial:

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 919 6174 3369


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