Watchword Insights for the Week of August 29

Christine Johnson • August 29, 2022

Choose Your Attitude

Choose life so that you and your descendants may live,

loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him.

Deuteronomy 30: 19,20

My friend Bob is a motivational speaker and life coach, although he has never held these positions professionally. It’s just who he is—a natural mentor who shares encouragement freely. A former school superintendent, principal, guidance counselor and sports coach, Bob can’t seem to help himself from being a cheerleader in his church and community. With a vigor for living that outpaces folks half his age, Bob also possesses the wisdom that comes from having been on this earth for nearly ninety years. Everyone should be so fortunate as to know such a fine human being.

One thing Bob is known for is his attitude about “ATTITUDE.” In words and actions, he conveys the message that, no matter the circumstances we may find ourselves in, the attitude we adopt will be a key factor in how we perceive the outcome. He stocks a supply of gold-toned lapel pins and generously distributes them to folks he encounters. The pins say, “ATTITUDE.” They serve as a reminder that we always have a choice to adopt a positive or a negative perspective. Of course, he would advocate for the positive!

The Watchword for this week comes from the mouth of Moses as he addresses his people just before entering The Promised Land. They have been in an arduous period of transition for a very long time, having escaped from bondage in Egypt, but also having been on a difficult journey toward a new home, a new normal. Moses reminds the people that they have it within themselves to choose what kind of a future they will create: one that focuses on God and God’s goodness, or one that does not. The people would have the capacity to experience life and blessing if they remained faithful to their covenant with God. CHOOSE LIFE, Moses recommends!

Before you start each day this week, consider your ATTITUDE. No matter the challenges you might be expecting to face, a recognition of God’s blessings thus far will be an encouragement. Name the attitude you plan to adopt, put on your imaginary lapel pin, and CHOOSE LIFE!


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