Watchword Insights for the Week of September 18

Christine Johnson • September 19, 2022

Between Sunrise and Sunset

From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 113: 3


A watercolor wash of orange pink streaks the sky early in the east, late in the west. Astronomical parenthesis bracketing time, sunrise and sunset punctuate the natural span of wakefulness with beauty. Praise God!

And what of the intervening moments? What of morning? What of a good stretch, aromatic coffee, and the warm pulses of shower spray? Of minty toothpaste, and clean clothes? Of a fresh calendar page and the chance to write hope on it? Praise God!

What of the middle hours? What of encounters? What of being greeted by a neighbor, with or without a Golden Retriever? What of sharing life snippets with a co-worker? Of a giggle from a grandchild, or a catch-up conversation with a dear friend? Of a pat on the back from the boss? Of a smile shared with a hustling restaurant server? Of an embrace and the affection that lingers? Praise God!

What of things so easily taken for granted? What of water that flows from a faucet, both hot AND cold? What of the appliances that simply work? Of the car that runs, and the computer that boots, and the WiFi that connects? Praise God!

What of accomplishments? Of the report written, the meal prepared, the project launched, the chore completed? Praise God!

What of delights? What of the flavor and texture of a savory entre, and the sweet finish of dessert? What of hearing a favorite old song, or discovering a new one? What of a movie that brings belly laughs? Of a book that elicits cathartic tears? Praise God!

And what of day’s end? What of an inviting bed, a pillow of just the right squishability, and blankets of preferred weight? What of the chance to settle into a restful position, close the eyes, and review all that has transpired between sunrise and sunset? What of the luxury of dozing off while counting blessings? Praise God! Amen.


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