Greetings, God’s People! Especially during this time of social distancing and separation, I’ve been looking for ways to keep our church family and friends connected. This blog will serve as our primary hub for sharing both INFORMATION and INSPIRATION. I’ll try to always clearly label and tag each post so you know which type you’ll be getting. The posts will all be collected on the website under the BLOG tab. That way, when you say to yourself, “Now, where did I see that blurb about the whatchamacallit,” you can go to and easily find it. (Or, at least, that’s the plan.)
In case you haven’t gotten the message, please understand that we will NOT be gathering in our church building for our usual activities or worship during the public health crisis. Here are some things you should know:
Of course, I urge you to do what you can to keep yourself and others safe and healthy. Follow all the protocols of hand washing, disinfecting surfaces you touch, social distancing, and all the things we’re reminded about regularly. This is how we show love to our neighbors!
Be safe. Be well. Be blessed,
Pastor Chris