In one of my earliest memories, my mama has pushed the couch out of the way so she can gain access to the front window. On the verge of ascending a stepstool upholstered in red vinyl, she holds a delicate Moravian star—manilla paper points connected with brass brads to a black cardboard armature. She and Grandpa had wrestled the kit into shape a few nights earlier, and Grandpa had cut and spliced the cord to a perfect length. Before stepping up to hang the 26-pointed orb, Mama tells me about the Star—that it represents the Light of God’s Love. She tells me it is so very special that it is only to be lit from the first night of Advent, through Christmas, and until the arrival of Epiphany. This is the way.
From that day, back when I was 4 years old or so, until March 2020, I abided by those instructions, enjoying the Light of God’s Love—but only ever seasonally. When the Covid Pandemic put a pall over all of our lives, I joined the movement to bring hope to a hurting world by lighting our household’s Moravian star in the middle of Lent. It seemed a little bit rebellious, breaking tradition so boldly; and yet, it seemed necessary. It seemed a way to exercise faith over fear, offering the glow of God’s countenance upon my neighborhood. It still does.
But on Saturday night, I will douse the light. For one evening, I will unplug. I will unlight the star, and then I will sit in quiet darkness, mindful of the light’s absence. And when I relight it on Sunday evening, I will stand contentedly in its glow, and I will pray…
Holy One,
I look up, my attention captured by the radiant star suspended in the window, spilling illumination both into the home and out to the world. I am touched by the memories it stirs and the promise it points to: you come to your people again and again, knowing that we are in need of a Savior and offering to accompany us as such.
Salvation. Perhaps never so much as during a season of global crisis have I felt so concretely the abstraction of peril. All human life is endangered, precarious. To be physically safe would be a relief. To be spiritually safe, a gift.
Save me. Save us. Now. Please! (Hosanna!)
In this Covid-laced season, in this extended interval of waiting, hear these prayers and be loving in your answers:
When apprehension hangs on the hook of darkness, let your light be the lantern diffusing uncertainty;
When murkiness blocks the field of vision, let your light be the beacon overspreading all that is unknown;
When despair leads too readily to lostness, let your light be the bright beam showing the way to hope.
Shine down, Holy One. Shine down and brighten up our journey! Amen.
Relighting the Light of God’s Love,
Pastor Chris
Join us in the parking lot of College Hill Moravian Church every Sunday morning where you may praise God from the safe bubble of your own vehicle. The service, broadcast from the church sanctuary and transmitted through your car’s radio, begins at 10:00 a.m. and lasts approximately 40 minutes. Attendants are on hand to make sure you have worship materials, receive your offerings, and help you find the best place to park. Smile and wave and worship!
Virtual Fellowship Time on Zoom – Sundays at 11:30 a.m.
This casual online gathering has taken root over the last few months and become a wonderful way to keep connected. Whether you’ve become a “regular” at these gatherings, or you’re thinking about dropping by for the very first time, please use the Zoom link and password provided below, or join by phone if you do not use a device with a screen.
And if Zoom is new to you and you’d like to be coached on how to get started, please email me at or call me at 484-894-9077.
To join by computer, tablet or smart phone, please go to:
Passcode: 789162
To join by phone (no video), dial:
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 998 3134 7702
Zoom Prayers–Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
We are also continuing to offer Zoom Prayers on Sunday evenings at 6:30. We come together to share simply in intercessory prayer on behalf of our congregation, community, and world. We usually conclude by 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!
To join by computer, tablet, or smart phone, please go to:
Passcode: 073131
To join by phone (no video), dial:
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 919 6174 3369